Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Abramov, Lazar Aronovich Lyusternik, Victor Ivanovich Shestakov, Mihail Romanovich Shura-Bura Solution of mathematical problems by automatic digital machines
Paul Émile Appell Cours de Mécanique rationnelle
Johann Bernoulli Nouvelles pensees sur le systeme de M. Descartes
Joseph Louis François Bertrand Traité d’algèbre
Émile Borel Fonctions monogènes
Lazare Carnot Reflexions sur la metaphysique du calcul infinitesimal
Augustin-Louis Cauchy Leçons sur les applications du calcul infinitésimal à la géométrie
René Descartes Geometry
Leonhard Euler Foundations of algebra (volume 1)
Leonhard Euler Foundations of algebra (volume 2)
Leonhard Euler Institutiones calculi integralis (volume 1)
Carl Friedrich Gauss Recherches arithmétiques
Georges Giraud Fonctions Automorphes
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Grave About integration of particular differential first-order equations
Gaston Maurice Julia Fonctions uniformes
Nikolai Petrovich Kasterin Unfoundedness of the Einstein's principle of relativity
Aleksey Nikolaevich Krylov Conversations about how to determine the orbits of planets and comets
Guillaume François l'Hôpital Analyse des infiniment petits
Leonid Kuzmich Lahtin The calculus of finite differences
P. Lakur, Ya. Appell Historical physics (volume 1)
P. Lakur, Ya. Appell Historical physics (volume 2)
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Algebra or calculation of finite quantity
Nikolai Alekseevich Lyubimov History of Physics
Andrey Andreyevich Markov Difference calculus
Andrey Andreyevich Markov Proof of transcendence of numbers e and π
Isaac Newton Mathematical works
Jacques Charles François Sturm Course of analysis (volume 1)
M. E. Vaschenko-Zaharchenko Historical sketch of the geometry (volume 1)
Christian Wolff Course de Mathématique (volume 1)
Christian Wolff Course de Mathématique (volume 2)
Christian Wolff Course de Mathématique (volume 3)