Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich

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Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (December 1, 1792 – February 24, 1856 (N.S.); November 20, 1792 – February 12, 1856 (O.S.)) was a Russian mathematician and geometer, renowned primarily for his pioneering works on hyperbolic geometry, otherwise known as Lobachevskian geometry. William Kingdon Clifford called Lobachevsky the "Copernicus of Geometry" due to the revolutionary character of his work.

Internet resources about the author

  1. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52147
  2. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52148
  3. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52149
  4. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=5215
  5. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52151
  6. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52152
  7. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52153
  8. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52154
  9. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52155
  10. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52156
  11. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52157
  12. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52158
  13. http://mathtree.ru/ShowItem?id=52159